This workshop submission is a combination of sound and pictures.
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They say you can never cross the same river twice. Can you hear the same song in the same canteen twice?
The first time I returned to the house where I slept on a futon one studious summer, I encountered a bird with a broken wing.
If the future is predefined, and the past is mutable, I'm never going to live my unpleasant memories.
I'm never going to live my unpleasant memories.
I already lived them.
I never lived them.
Thank you for experiencing this. I have a few sources of inspiration.
On the audio front, I was interested in experimenting with the idea of retrocausality by recording a piece that contained a loop centered around a piece of music that I played backwards. That way, I could record layers upon layers, reverse the whole thing, and effectively have a loop that unravelled itself as it played backwards. This is a neat idea.
I tried to create synthesizer sounds that would sound roughly the same forwards and backwards.
At the same time, I was struck by the oddness of hearing "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" by Bon Jovi in my work cafeteria, I felt like it would be a rather fun/cruel joke to begin with an original composition that segued into retrocausal chaos that resolved itself into half-hearted Bon Jovi cover. Turns out my Bon Jovi cover was so half-hearted that it has been excised entirely, cauterized if you will, but the rest of it mostly remains.
It is really hard to listen to a riff, reverse it, and then try to replicate that. Rhythm is hard. I am lazy.
It also turns out that if I tried to make things sound similar forwards and backwards, well, the retrocausal stuff wasn't that sonically impressive -- so it's in there, but there isn't much of it.
I found myself more interested in what happened when I tried shortening things, and fading different parts of the improvisations on top of one another.
Ultimately, I decided to chop it up into pieces, such that the piece itself loops indefinitely, randomly picking one of a few predefined starting points, and randomly fading ontop of itself. Every time this page is loaded, the outcome is a little different.
The photographs are a mixtures of things, but many of them are intended specifically for this project. I wanted to really experiment more with longer exposures, but kinda failed to get a lot of the ideas I had done in time for this workshop. The very short exposure pictures of the fountain are ones that I find really interesting.
All of the pictures involve time in some way, all of them are from Seattle, from February, and many of them are from Cal Anderson Park -- the place with the fountain. I'd like to do more work there.
I would describe the pictures succinctly as "just what I do."
The words are what came to mind when I put the pictures in sequence, knowing the music was with them.
Thank you again for taking the time (har har har) to look at this! :)